Saturday, December 24, 2005

Cancer in September is probably going to be the story of my life as a cancer patient. I would've gone for a wittier privatecancer blog link, but it's hard to be always funny when you know you have cancer. Because as one so luckily chosen by the disease, I am made to feel a lot of new things in my body - mostly unpleasant. And then there's a lot going on in my head - questions (but never the why me, God?), business strategies, life strategies, dreams - to actually come up with anecdotes for the most part of this blog.

But don't despair, fans of mannyla (the legion I had in K2). I'll insert some humour here and there. In fact, this morning while I was watching Le Bron James and the Cavs play (piko, they were outside my house), my yaya in her mandatory surgical mask comes in my room and hands me the fone whispering "Chua daw.". Hesistant to take in calls from people I don't know, I grab the fone anyway and say "Hello?." The person on the other line sounded so familiar with me but his name wouldn't register. So he says "Ken Chua, to." Then, like I know him, I say "Oi! Teka, sorry who's calling again?". Finally, he says "Ken Chua, K2!"

Like I never used his house to shoot Joyce Jimenez and G Toengi.


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