I wrote this right before new year. I'm just posting it now.
There is a bit of a signal here in my room so I am able to post tonight. My network adapter is 2 years old and can hardly penetrate walls.
Today is the best I've been in a month and half. I've been looking forward to this condition for some time now. I realize health is a gift, a privilege handed to us by God. So, if you're not feeling sick or any pain at all, give thanks.
I like dreaming nowadays. Because in my dreams, I can walk normal, talk a lot, go out of the house, swim. In there, well, I don't have cancer.
This morning, Tim Yap was on the fone and I was asking him if he could feature something for me in Inquirer's Super. Do I still like dreaming after I've spoken with Tim? I like Tim. I will follow Tim. (Follow Tim wherever he may go)
The other night I was in Hawaii running from one rooftop to another. The tsunami waves were coming fast!
On another night, I was hanging from the La Salle Gym's dome - on its ceiling. And guess who I was with? Da Boy as in Rudy Fernandez and Ogie Alcasid. If you wonder what's my connection to Da Boy, well, I remember Da Boy but I don't remember the feeling anymore. We were actually introduced by Peachy - Ruffa Mae as she is known on screen. I had the honor of playing doubles with her in badminton a couple of times. I drove the cock straight home - to the opponent.
Enough of the (west) side story, I slid down from a rope ala James Bond, bounced from one of the pillars and gently landed on my feet. I was so ecstatic in my dream that I woke up laughing. Hardiharhar!
There is a bit of a signal here in my room so I am able to post tonight. My network adapter is 2 years old and can hardly penetrate walls.
Today is the best I've been in a month and half. I've been looking forward to this condition for some time now. I realize health is a gift, a privilege handed to us by God. So, if you're not feeling sick or any pain at all, give thanks.
I like dreaming nowadays. Because in my dreams, I can walk normal, talk a lot, go out of the house, swim. In there, well, I don't have cancer.
This morning, Tim Yap was on the fone and I was asking him if he could feature something for me in Inquirer's Super. Do I still like dreaming after I've spoken with Tim? I like Tim. I will follow Tim. (Follow Tim wherever he may go)
The other night I was in Hawaii running from one rooftop to another. The tsunami waves were coming fast!
On another night, I was hanging from the La Salle Gym's dome - on its ceiling. And guess who I was with? Da Boy as in Rudy Fernandez and Ogie Alcasid. If you wonder what's my connection to Da Boy, well, I remember Da Boy but I don't remember the feeling anymore. We were actually introduced by Peachy - Ruffa Mae as she is known on screen. I had the honor of playing doubles with her in badminton a couple of times. I drove the cock straight home - to the opponent.
Enough of the (west) side story, I slid down from a rope ala James Bond, bounced from one of the pillars and gently landed on my feet. I was so ecstatic in my dream that I woke up laughing. Hardiharhar!
I dreamt even more after that - joining a swimming class in UP - in an indoor pool, having a car tint business in my garage but explaining to customers that my real business was doing videos, walking in Old Virra Mall, and a lot more I can't recall.
If only I could record my dreams and play them in the morning...